Very mobile projections 

We undertook these mobile light projections as pre-publicity for the Focus Ireland Tunnel Run. 

Urban Splash

To provide brand engagement and communication within cityscapes we use light projections, video mapping, outdoor led screens, led curtains, holographic solutions and special builds.

Large scale projections allow us create the largest brand canvas possible within a city.  Nothing compares in potential size that can be created and what really drives this activity is the creative idea behind the projection. Due to the larger format of the media, we are no longer working in the realm of Guerilla activity.  Planning permissions are sought and safety and method statements written and adhered to.

Video mapping element when used allows the structural aspects of buildings to be used as part of the creative piece itself. For example some of the effects include (but are not limited to) the visual of bricks being removed, the building wobbling or silhouettes appearing in windows.  

The potential for public engagement is immense. Either in terms of allowing passerby to take control of the creative using their mobile phones, touch screens, kinetic gestures or facial expressions. 

Here is an example of work for an awareness campaign for the Government for . We undertook this in a number a number of cities, Cork, Galway, Tralee and Dublin. We were able to use the Gandon designed Custom House for the Dublin projections. The building was bathed in blue light, with logo being created in a strong white light. Between and onto the front arches, we projected iconic and historic video footage. We supported this showcase piece using our mobile LightWalkers in other city centre locations. 

Holographic light projectionS

We lit up the Bolland Mills to promote the release of Spectre, the much anticipated Bond Movie. With the Bolland Mills now slated for imminent development this could be the last time we use this iconic Dublin wall. The projection attracted a lot attention from media outlets and generate a discussion on social media. 


Here is a wonderful example of holographic light projections. If you would discuss a similar product give us a call.